Business Baby Birthday
My business baby is 3 years old today. 💛
Even though it took me five years to conceive and birth the idea of Voxel Hub in 2019 in memory of my Dad (with whom I share this day as Nameday), it is only growing into toddlerhood now, and loads is about to change, evolve, focus and sharpen soon.
Along the way, a few tried to help themselves to the idea but replicated it badly, misinterpreting the core need altogether.
Because it is me, it is evolving with me and with our times.
The fear of technology is so deeply rooted that my way of healing it is almost always profoundly misunderstood. This year I have arrived back to my core and validated why we need to embrace the digital age for our wellbeing: for our own survival. It’s sad that many had to realise this due to COVID, it’s even sadder that many more chose to ignore that announcement too.
I continue raising this child with my village – because that’s the only sustainable way.
Thank you to every single person who supported me, held me, healed me and challenged me and called me out. You all make this journey into the wonderful adventure it is, and we are saving and extending lives.
Grateful to you all.
Liberation psychologies for working with displaced peoples
I have been a bit quiet about this one, but it is now open for registration. Join me:
🕘 Thu, 24 November 2022 09:00 – 11:30 GMT – http://bit.ly/liberationpsychology🕕 Fri, 25 November 2022 18:00 – 20:30 GMT – http://bit.ly/liberationpsychology2
Please, share with anyone interested. -
Working with liberation
Last weekend someone working on a project for Black History Month asked me to join in a creative photo shoot. I used to exhibit my photography in my “past life”, and so I enjoyed it. But my works were not so good.
This morning, I walked into our kitchen at the exact time when the morning light illuminated just this one stem – the last gladioli from our allotment: nature, light, timing.
I think about mastery a lot these days. Six years of counselling studies changed me a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever put so much energy, commitment and time into any other learning journey. And it shows. I am just beginning to grasp the vast amount of skills it takes to support people’s liberation into healing, but I can already feel the joy of work that is more than “good enough” at times.
The joy of that ancient human contact. The beauty of it. It’s so complex and so simple. I think humans are quite extraordinary.
Summer endings
A day of difficult decisions: planned (unwanted) endings and some incredible ones too. I am so grateful for the good people who show me the light and lightness, who hold me through emotional days like this and witness me as I am: human. We’re in this together, and those connections matter so much.
Thank you. Go softly!
Growth and nature
Rogers developed the person-centred approach to counselling (and life), noticing nature on his parent’s farm. When a tree is cut, the life force pushes new shoots up – he called it a “self-actualising tendency” – I agree: given the right conditions, recovery and thriving are possible.
However, we need respect, tolerance, empathy and compassion (willingness to act and state the uncomfortable).
I am choosing people and spaces that provide those conditions and avoiding those that forget the importance of life: we are all humans and part of nature. It’s that simple.
Yet so hard to remember when systems and broken people push us to our own edge.
It’s safer to walk in the middle of the path with people who hold those boundaries and see humanity and Nature in us, with us.
Learning and unlearning
And when all the deconstructing and unlearning are done (for this phase), I wake up with clarity. Everything falls into the right place, centred, rippling out with energy and hope.
Day one: I finalised Voxel Hub Manifesto.
This is possible thanks to my people and the giants I meet on the path. Grateful!
Walking in the light
So many people are scared to walk in the light, and sadly drag us into the darkness.
As I’m closing this learning cycle, I’m beginning to understand that the work I do is to liberate those captivated and sometimes those leading in the dark.
We all deserve to walk in the light. Take the first step softly.
Making small dents
What if in all this suffering, we – collectively – can reconnect and create an opening?
I’m so lucky to have people on my journey who join in the work of making small dents, all leading to another step, lighter and lighter.
Walk out
That’s a wrap. Sometimes we can enter a space and feel right at the start that something is not quite right. Usually, that’s a sign of a lack of safety.
So when it’s the right time, we need to pause and back out. It’s ok to stop. It’s not a failure. It’s liberation. If you feel unsafe, walk out.
Update (18.01.2023): staying in this unsafe space costed me six months of creative freedom, so please learn from my mistake and do not compromise your freedoms and integrity if you feel the space is unsafe. Walk out.
Impactful change can be subtle
Impactful change can be subtle, so if it goes unnoticed, we miss the magic!