
    Thinking about systems a lot: systems that sustain us and systems that trap or even oppress us. Do you believe you can work within or outside your systems? Can you bend the spoon? What makes people see the ease of doing so? Opportunity or challenge?


    Black Lives Matter

    I do not know what to say today but since there is no middle ground (never was) I want to speak up and I will be…honest. I am tired of reading the same stories of hurt (“it’s always the same people” as my friend once said) but so I should be – we caused this, we need to do the work – if you haven’t done so already (it’s 2021!). I am in incredible pain a year on because I see so many people who suddenly care about some forms of discrimination but not others and so it makes no sense to me. I am stuck in between so many identities that don’t serve me (Polish living in post-Brexit U.K., woman, “opinionated”) and those that do but harm others by default (White, able, relatively OK financially, business owner, educated, multi-cultural). Next week I will become a British citizen and carry the additional privileges and responsibilities. I will be employable, have a good credit score, another passport, and the right to protest too, also a right to voice my opinion. I am aware of the pain that comes with discrimination and silence, my own blindness, and I am determined to do my best to keep all people safe. So yeah. I see today so many deepen the divide when…this pain is not new. Maybe, just maybe, we should all focus on critically reviewing where we are with this, instead of pointing fingers. Sit down, listen, learn and do better. If you think you’ve got this – that means you don’t. I am doing better and I promise that I will do even more, but I see there is still so much work to do. And when I feel like giving up, I remember the truth: without hope and a dream of a better future for all of us, what is left? This is a painful reality. People die because of our ignorance. We are too slow, too blind, too comfortable. We all have a lot of work to do. I am glad to see that more and more of us, White people, do. If we haven’t already, we are waking up.



    I initially wanted to spend the summer only on ecotherapy and healing but seeing how many people and organizations around me move away from pandemic without taking any stock, I am finding an inner need to slow down and look deeper into trauma. I spend so much time in the academic literature I thought I’d dip into this one to align my reading with her new Apple TV series. Watching the first episode, I cried like a baby not because of my own multiple traumas but because I was in Clarendon House once attending a thank you even for a fundraising guide I wrote for the Prince’s Charities and I experienced it as silent sadness, actually. So much suffering and so unspoken… I personally am pretty open about my mental health, I was raised in a dysfunctional home but had an amazing father, brother, men, and women around me who created a vulnerable, open cycle of safety. So I was one of those lucky ones who had enough roots to grow. So these days, I cry when I meet people who have no idea about their suffering, face it, and who open up to the opportunity of healing. So blessed to be able to study and work in this field.



    Today I had a wonderful chat at work about roots, ancestors and all the stardust we are made off – cannot wait for my DNA results to find out more about my belongings. As I shift between my mental spaces and official identities soon, I also wonder why to me those things don’t really matter. I am a Traveller at heart. I draw maps. I love the Great Unknown. In the last few years of Brexit U.K. I have experienced entrapment and learned a lot about the fear of divides, silences, and forgotten tribes. I have watched people tremble in face of diversity. I understand this so much better now. I am tempted to dive deep into work with racists and abusers one day, I feel the sadness of living in their fragmented world. I also acknowledge that it’s a spectrum we all live on. I slowly shift and Wake Up White myself. And then I wonder, somewhat selfishly, do I have energy for this? Or do I prefer to move along and explore new landscapes? Studying therapy means we need to deconstruct things before we stitch them together into a workable model. I am blessed to have wonderful common threads and tribes, so it’s easier. I love this journey so much, especially when meeting the Other results in fantastic conversations.


    Screen stuck

    I am a bit stuck to the screen these days, not a good way to celebrate #MHAW but I am actually learning locals about ecotherapy. It’s nice to see the garden in the rain and enjoy moments of rest too. I hope it will finally get warmer as I cannot wait for the peonies and roses!


    Unveiling loss

    We have lost so much. We have learned so much. We have unveiled so much. No wonder we are in pain.

    However, remember: no one said that an honest, rich, connected…felt life is supposed to be easy.

    Feel it. You are not alone.


    Thank you

    In those cold times I am so blessed with good people checking in and carrying me forward. Thank you. With your support I can help others too. So much in my identities and belongings is shifting these days. So many layers evaporate and I am becoming more of myself. I have learned so much about kindness and cruelty, action and silence in the last five years and it is all finally settling into me, integrating into the way I work. I can only promise this growth won’t stop. And I am so so glad I have friends who guide me but also call out my blind spots. Love to all the good people out there.