Library Session – using books to inspire work in Minecraft
It was really really nice to see so many new faces during our Library session last time. We are also very excited that children reached out to library shelves and looked there for their Minecraft inspirations. Who knows, maybe one day they will write Minecraft novels?;)
Our videos on YouTube
Jess and I worked on a small video the other say in the club, here it is. You will also see the work of Butler Centre Children and Grove Cubs there, on our YouTube Channel.
Our Saturday sessions
It’s great to see that our early morning (9am!) sessions are growing and we have new members joining us! Last Saturday we have welcome three new families!
Children spent most of their time working on personal challenges, but also helping me in defying new challenge cards! We have also started playing with the LEGO Movie Maker – LEGO is always fun!:)
We cannot wait to continue!
Our First Board Games Meetup – Tsuro
We had a great time playing board games at our local, Vale and Downland Museum, this morning. Scrabble, Snakes and Ladders, Dixit, Minion and Hobbit Monopoly were played but the overall winner this time was Tsuro – children and parents loved it the most. It took us one round to work it out but then it was just pure fun:)
As of of our parents summed it up ‘it was much nicer than a morning with Minecraft’.
Announcing the winners of our Summer Competition
Our Summer Competition was very quiet this year but because we were all running out of steam we have decided to give away our personal Minecon goodies to children. Today I had the pleasure of giving some of the awards to few winners and I simply love the smile on their faces – well deserved! Thank you for all your efforts and all your support! You have made us so so happy!
Here are the winners:
Short Story Category:
1st place – Skye
2nd place – Finley
3rd place – Bertie
Special Recognition – Milly
Word Art Category:
1st place – Pearl (with both entries)
2nd place – Skye
3rd place – Dawid
Video Category:
1st place – Daniel
2nd place – Bruce
Well done everyone! We are ever so grateful for all your work and creativity!
Look out for your rewards this week!
Follow us on Instagram!
We are now on Instagram so if you want to stay up to date with our work, please follow us there!
Our first session at the Wantage Library
…was so quiet! 🙂 I have trained, practiced and worked as a teacher but I have never ever worked with such a well behaved, quiet group! ‘Why are we whispering?’ asked Dawid on the way out of the Library. ‘I don’t know but it feels right’ – I responded.
We had a lovely session today with a lot of work done. And I am happy to see some of our guests working on inspirations from not just our cards but also books, even the library itself (books labyrinth by Frank in the bottom right corner below). I am not sure how about them, but I really really loved the session! Results below:
We would like to say a big thank you to the staff of our Wantage Library for this great opportunity and all their support today! 🙂
Books that inspired us today: 2
Our first sessions of 2015/2016!
We had a great time at the Butler Centre on Saturday. Children worked on challenges they chose in their own time which gave them more time to work together, play and build friendships. Parents told us that this model of sessions worked better so we hope to continue with them at least this year. Below some of our creations!
Summer Competition Entries
Here is the reminder of our categories:
Minecraft themed Word Art picture – all entries in this category need to be submitted on an A4 or A3 sheet of paper. They need to contain a hand made piece of calligraphy (collage with a Minecraft screenshot printed and added to the art piece is allowed, but please ensure that you write and draw on your work too).
Minecraft Story (at least 200 words) – all entries in this category have to be submitted in form of a typed editable text document (not .pdf file but a .doc file).
Wantage in Minecraft zone – work on your zone of Wantage in Minecraft and we will reward the best entries!
A building in Minecraft – video tour – if you are up for a video tour build your home, a piece of architecture from the past or a famous construction – real are entirely made up. Then record a video tour around it and send us the file or the link to it.
We have received submissions in three categories (thank you all so much!)and we will announce the winners on Saturday, but today we would like to share the submitted videos. Here is London Bridge by Bruce and Minecraft Home by Daniel. Enjoy!
New sessions announced!
WHAT’S ON IN 2015/2016
Autumn 2015:
We do not advertise courses this autumn but we will host paid and free sessions for children and grown ups in three locations:
- Butler Centre (£3 per child/£2 per child for club members, parents attend for free and are asked to stay with us too, siblings are welcome too) – please bring a device with Minecraft installed on it, including tablets as we work offline.
- Vale & Dowland Museum (free sessions for parents, children are welcome too) – don’t bring Minecraft unless you can show us your work in 5 seconds;), our Museum sessions are dedicated to board games – we love those too!
- Wantage Library (free sessions for everyone) – please bing a device with Minecraft installed on it – a laptop or a tablet
Sessions planned for 2015/2016:
September 2015:
- 13.09, 2-4.30pm – Heritage Day, Vale & Downland Museum (6 club members)
- 26.09, 9-10am – WPC session for Children on Autistic Spectrum (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), Butler Centre
- 26.09, 10am-midday – WPC session for children with parents (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), children and parents from earlier session are welcome to stay, Butler Centre
October 2015:
- 5.10, 16.45-17.30pm – Wantage Library session for children with parents (free) – in partnership with Wantage Library
- 10.10, 11am-1pm – Vale and Downland Museum, Board Games Meetup for everyone (free) – in partnership with Vale & Downland Museum and Toy Planet Games Shop
- 17.10, 9-10am – WPC session for Children on Autistic Spectrum (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), Butler Centre
- 17.10, 10am-midday – WPC session for children with parents (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), children and parents from earlier session are welcome to stay, Butler Centre
November 2015:
- 2.11, 16.45-17.30pm – Wantage Library session for children with parents (free) – in partnership with Wantage Library
- 7.11, 11am-1pm – Vale and Downland Museum, Board Games Meetup for everyone (free) – in partnership with Vale & Downland Museum and Toy Planet Games Shop
- 14.11, 9-10am – WPC session for Children on Autistic Spectrum (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), Butler Centre
- 14.11, 10am-midday – WPC session for children with parents (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), children and parents from earlier session are welcome to stay, Butler Centre
December 2015:
- 5.12, 11am-1pm – Vale and Downland Museum, Board Games Meetup for everyone (free) – in partnership with Vale & Downland Museum and Toy Planet Games Shop
- 7.12, 16.45-17.30pm – Wantage Library session for children with parents (free) – in partnership with Wantage Library
- 12.12, 9-10am – WPC session for Children on Autistic Spectrum (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), Butler Centre
- 12.12, 10am-midday – WPC session for children with parents (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), children and parents from earlier session are welcome to stay, Butler Centre
January 2016:
- 9.01, 11am-1pm – Vale and Downland Museum, Board Games Meetup for everyone (free) – in partnership with Vale & Downland Museum and Toy Planet Games Shop
- 11.01, 16.45-17.30pm – Wantage Library session for children with parents (free) – in partnership with Wantage Library
- 16.01, 9-10am – WPC session for Children on Autistic Spectrum (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), Butler Centre
- 16.01, 10am-midday – WPC session for children with parents (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), children and parents from earlier session are welcome to stay, Butler Centre
February 2016:
- 1.02, 16.45-17.30pm – Wantage Library session for children with parents (free) – in partnership with Wantage Library
- 6.02, 9-10am – WPC session for Children on Autistic Spectrum (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), Butler Centre
- 6.02, 10am-midday – WPC session for children with parents (£3 per child, £2 per child for club members), children and parents from earlier session are welcome to stay, Butler Centre
Please refer to our calendar of events here or scroll down to subscribe to our newsletter for more information.
We are still building Wantage in Minecraft so email us for more details – sylwiapresley@gmail.com.