Summer sessions started!

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2015-04-25 11.44.53

2015-04-25 13.21.05

2015-04-25 13.24.58

In our first summer sessions we have worked with two groups (robotics group learned about various types of robots and designed their own in Minecraft; our handwriting group worked on a 3D version of the family tree of Elvsih languages discussing concept of a language and alphabets), but also engaged parents in conversations about online gaming, the usage of Internet and generally technology.

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We have also looked at initial steps for our big project – building Wantage in Minecraft. Some of our observers asked me why only just now? Well, the club had to grow together, we are now at the point when we feel we work as a good team, children respect each other and work collaboratively, some established new friendships, others developed new skills that can be utilised for our project too. We want to ensure that building our town in Minecraft is fun but it is also effective.

And as soon as our first part of the town is ready, we will look at expanding, building other areas of our neighbourhood and build in other games, not just Minecraft, into our work.

Exciting times ahead!

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