
Finally arrived at the point where I can just sit down and write pages of my journal. Since the year before Brexit referendum I suffered for a severe writing block (rather naturally I did not feel safe in the UK for quite a while, so I was stuck a bit creatively and I had no idea how traumatic racism can be, I needed to heal).

What helped? Two years of therapy, moving to a friendly city, making new friends, BLM movement and also a lot of self-reflection, healing and such good people around me. As we enter the hardest period of Brexit I am happy to say I am exceptionally calm. Comparing to the time in the Shire, even this year was light and kind to me, so that’s probably telling;)

So today I urge my friends: do stay good people and look out for those around you who suffer in silence. And yeah, call out racism because it’s dangerous, I tell you. Don’t just call our racism – celebrate diversity actively – if you are surrounded by one type of people, if you see people climbing on to the pedestal of power in any form something is not right! Call out the lack of kindness on the spot!

This personal Brexit experience rewired my coaching practice and helps me today see the invisible, the subtle, the silent. Ultimately I am grateful I am resilient enough to bounce back, but I have met many people less capable of doing that. Humbled to have tools to help now ..so…back to writing smoothly… such joy 🙂

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