The element of fire

Happy Diwali to my friends who celebrate. Oh, what a sublime day! Started with posting to support people with anxiety and depression across the country, sending out my newsletter, then pre-ordering a book of poetry from a magnificent friend (so cannot wait!!!), planning walks with friends, posts for my own company (fun), watching my other daughter celebrate Diwali in India, collecting leaves in the park, reporting from COP26, submitting school assignment (again…), the final session of trauma training, and an incredible day 1 of the Hope Summit. For a person who had to study about books and wait for them for weeks to arrive from a library, it will always feel incredible to be able to finish the day with Dr.Dan Siegel leading an embodied integration exercise in my home office. Lush!!! Ever so grateful for wonderful people, autumnal nature, and the free training opportunities the web allows us. All of the above without stress, with gratitude. Softly. (And with cheesecake too;)) Today I learned that feeling hopeful extends our life.. so… off to practice. What a time to live. #hopeful #grateful #inspired #awe #diwali #positivepsychology #ecoanxiety #trauma #work #studies📚 (update: posted this and realized it might sound quite naive so just to clarify: I am fully aware we might be on the verge of extinction soon, but that is why we need to act, build a better future and almost certainly not shut down) #doingthework

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