Customer Service via Twitter – thank you, BT
Maybe I should not say that before I actually get my broadband installed, however, I will risk it;) The point I want to make is the fact every large brand should use Twitter to manage customer service problems. Why? Because this is where the consumers talk;) Simple as that. It all started with a tweet, when I learned that Virgin customer service cannot add an address to their database (I live in a flat which is under a postal address with other 3 flats – each has a different house/flat name which seems to cause a lot of trouble).
Why? Because my new neighbours have recently ordered Virgin package so I cannot do it! ‘System does not allow to place the order’ – so obviously something is wrong with the system, but it is really the people who fail, as far as I am concerned, because they do not even try to help or think of solutions. So basically Virgin is missing out on 3 flats, where their package could be installed. I am pretty patient, but after 2 hrs on the phone, I simply got annoyed to the ‘coffee+lot’s of chocolate’ stage. I decided to call BT, even though their package is £10/month more expensive (and without TV channels, which I do not need anyway). I was told I can place an order, add an address and get a technician to come over (with first 3 months for free it’s still a good deal;)). And here it gets more complicated – you see, I was sure that the person who lived in my flat before me had a BT broadband and took the package to London. I was also pretty eager to get it all installed by next weekend, so I was advised the by the second person at BT, a lovely lady, that there must be a line in my flat, they just need to identify it in their system! (that is the point when you feel it will work, as they know what they are talking about and are actually trying to help!). With case description, no additional reference numbers I was asked to find out any detail the of the previous contract in the flat (I was not sure which address was assigned to the line in my flat!), I was asked to call back. In an hour I did so and had my line identified, original order cancelled and could order normal activation, which takes few days. Shortly – if I go with Virgin, I have no broadband. If I go with original BT order I have it in 2-3 weeks time, but really I can have it next week.
Going back to my original point – Twitter. My rather harsh tweet was not picked up by Virgin (unless their policy is not to respond to those), but BT used it well, simply to talk to me and make me one happy customer before I even started using their services:
I guess you clearly see the difference. Now I really prefer to go with BT. I am not sure how I could manage any upcoming issues with Virgin, but I know @BTCare will help me.
Tonight, I am talking to @audioboo about my silly struggles with connection via iPhone app, and they are there too, on Sunday night!
So why cannot Virgin? I cannot believe that there are still brands that do not understand the power of Twitter for customer service!

As we say in Spainsh: ¡que viva la competencia!Good for you. It's soooo good to have options.Saludos.
Yes, luckily – I was already worried I was stuck;) How are you?
Yes, luckily – I was already worried I was stuck;) How are you?
Our digital lives | Sylwia Pre
[…] It also flaggs up some major issues with the way big brads approach consumers. The add below is nice, as it appeals to our emotions (point on passions from previous video too), but is it enough to keep us happy when we call the customer service of the brand and come across many difficulties during one simple call? Or would we rather have a reliable, personal contact with the brand just on the other side of a Tweet? […]