Barcamp Nonprofits

Photo by Paul Henderson under CC.

I owe you a long write up of last weeks event – Barcamp Nonprofits – but I might stay faithful to my blog and focus more on personal learnings than an update on sessions (for that I suggest post of Andrew,Kevin and Paul). Some of you might know that it was a particularly difficult event for me to organise as all my attention was pre-occupied with family – which honestly affected my productivity in recent weeks. I am back on my feet now and I am really happy to see that many of my local and global friends have committed so much energy and support on this one, that we made it happen. We actually made a good quality event and great pilot for a larger, louder, even more, memorable one in 2011. I would like to thank our sponsors, Voice and Oxford College of Marketing; and media sponsors Against Breast Cancer and Just Giving. It is really great to see nonprofit organisations together with agencies expressing their support in this rather innovative form of events. I would like to send warm hugs to Anna and Renata for their help with assets and reception, Bernie for help with goodie bags and projector, Paul for bringing the other one. Pierre did an amazing job of keeping everyone in the loop via official event blog. Graeme took the ownership of the barcamp project, which is really just kicking off now. I would like to stress though that each and every person present on the day impressed me not only with the fact that they appeared at the Oxford University Club on this extremely gloomy Saturday morning, but contributed with their experience and insights all throughout the day! There is also an element of a great learning curve in mistakes we make. I have failed in terms of communication and preparation of few elements  (big hug and I apologise to Claire and Marianne!). We could have dared to do more too and we have notes to take to the next event and to build on, but one is certain – the original form of a barcamp opens discussion on many sometimes difficult topic, reinforced the spirit of collaboration and…is hard work for each participant! So if you like to deliver I hereby invite you to the next Barcamp Nonprofits planned for spring/summer 2011 in London;)

Update: I would like to add that the biggest thank you goes to @zerolab, who was extremely supportive all the way! Thank you!


  • zerolab

    It is a pity we were so ill and I was not up for any presentation. Next one will surely be better and bigger.Doesn’t matter it was small – it was good and there were great people and good content. That is what matters.Thank you for organizing it!

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