My top (more than) 10 social media reads
My students often ask me how I stay up to date with social media news and what are the sources they can trust – just initially, before they find their favourites. We have a library of recommendations for our students but here let me just list a few (click on each title for its link).
1. Mashable
Always a good start! Mashable is a blog/online magazine dedicated to digital, social media but also other, related technologies. Their search and categories are so clear that it’s a good start for all social media enthusiasts. If you want to know what is trending, what is talked about it social and what are the current changes in major platforms – plus how those can impact us, users – do follow them.
2. Social Media Examiner
It’s a great blog for strategy and tactics, simple tips and ideas on making the most of social media tools. Their events bring together industry specialists. I think they are tailored more towards social media marketing for branding but you will find tips on much more. I also like the fact that they feature other industry blogs – here is their 2014 and 2015 list for your reference.
3. Social Media Explorer
Just like Social Media Examiner this blog focusses on industry tips, but it also provides context to changes happening online. Follow their central account but also the main author, Jason Falls.
4. TechCrunch
Some of the content on this technology blog might seem not relevant for those who want to learn about social media just for their personal use but it is a good piece of tech journalism, often featuring news and longer explanation to what really is happening in Silicon Valley and other locations where social media tools are launched and developed.
It’s a blog for geeks, yes, but it also contains a lot of information relevant to social media so check it out now and again. If you want to learn more about people behind the online platforms you are using, this is the place. WIRED interviews are my favourite.
6. Brian Solis
This and the next few links are to encourage you to read personal blogs of individuals who shape the social media world. Brian Solis knows everything about social media marketing for brands and large organisations and his blog is a perfect source of handy visuals and data to back up your presentations and your points.
7. Chris Brogan
Chris Brogan changed the way we look at online relationships management with this ‘Trust Agent’ book, which I think is a perfect start for all aspiring community managers. Actually I think everyone should read it before posting online.
8. Seth Godin
Seth simply understands where we are today as a human kind in business and in life. He is my kind of philosopher. His short and snappy posts are a great feed for thought when you are busy and when you have more time too.
It’s a place to start for a blogger, a place to check out now and again for best blogging practices.
10. Euan Semple
I had the privilege of working with Euan and I know that if there is a person in this world who knows where the (social) web is heading and has the most humble, respectful but firm belief that it is here to change our world for better, it is Euan. Do read his blog as it will inspire you to love social the way it should be loved.
11. Brain Pickings
…is not about social media at all but you will need it and if you have more time to enjoy online reading, this blog with make you realise the value of blogging itself. Maria Popova is a great curator of brilliant, inspiring reads and you will need tht to create good content and share good ideas online.
12. TED Ideas
Speaking of ideas – if you are busy but have a moment – in the bath, on the train, on the go – to watch a few videos do check out TED talks. They provide a great insight into the current trends, discoveries and inspirations. Since social is all about us, people, we should keep an eye and learn more about ourselves too, right?
13. Agency blogs – Social@Ogilvy and WeAreSocial
The great thing about following those leading social agencies on their blogs is the amount of data, case studies and insights they release. You have to remember that they run complex social campaigns for their clients so they always have to be the best in their game. Learn from them!
14. Social media marketing platform providers – HubSpot and Salesforce
Just like with social media agencies, those companies have a huge amount of data to work with and they happily share a lot of it with general public – so make the most of it.
15. Blogs of leading social media providers – Google, Facebook and Twitter
You need to know what is going on on major social media platforms so the best place to follow is their very own blogs. Every serious social media provider will have a blog – where you can learn about their team, functionalities, news and future plans.
Add all those to your RSS reader, follow them in social media and learn, learn, learn. Learning is fun, but it is also quite empowering. Enjoy! (And don’t foget to share your tips in comments!)