Your feedback

Thank you to everyone who made time to participate in our feedback meeting last night. Here is what we have talked about:

  1. Ticketing – we did not have a lot of comment about this;
  2. Insurance for open air events was mentioned – we explained that in the past organisers were asked to provide it but we are still investigating all the options;
  3. Festival fatigue – do people get tired of events at some point? We have noticed a very low attendance for some events, despite of advertising and personal networks of organisers – something to address in 2017?
  4. Art in the Park – it would be nice to have more students for the event – in 2016 event was open to the KA students only, can this be a limitation?
  5. Maybe we should have less events but focus more on their support and promotion? Do we scale back a bit?
  6. We need to help organisers with careful scheduling of events to avoid running many events at the same time – if possible
  7. Some people might still not know about Wantage Summer Festival – how can we reach them? One suggestion was to reach out to community influencers;
  8. Some people are not committed to come to an event until the actual day of it – how can we address it?
  9. We need an opening event – possibly in conjunction with the Town Council too (their idea of #WantageFest?), we also need a closing event;
  10. Programme – can we please send it out before print to all organisers for proofreading?
  11. Press passes – are a good idea but let’s make sure photographers actually come to the event;
  12. Can we have a creative writing workshop for children?  – how does relate to other local Festivals?
  13. Can we consider the past idea of collaboration between community groups?
  14. Can we consider Festival core events and an idea of fringe events?
  15. We need to improve signage and find solutions for common challenges – banners on crossings are actually not legal, how can we address this?
  16. Overall consensus is to keep the Festival within the current time frame or similar one: June and July.

As you can see most of the feedback, which also includes points from our online survey, leaves a lot of unanswered questions. We will now look at those and work on solutions in 2017.

Thank you for making it YOUR Wantage Summer Festival!

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