Evening treat!
I am such a kid! I just love little treats and small changes to our daily routine. We had a few sunny days recently so my boyfriend and I decided to go for a walk and browse around our little town. You would not believe how many secrets a little town can have! That day we have discovered a small show with kitchen equipement and a lot of small but really fascinating gadgets (rolling garlic peeler that looked like a yoyo?!). I came home with coffee stencils from LaCafetiere I did not even know you can get hold off in shops! (Actually you cannot get them on-line!). On a sunny evening a latte was of course a perfect choice! I had a lot of fun and the end results were sweet (specially when served with small pieces of Polish Ptasie Mleczko).
Magic of charity shops
Inspired by @coffenvanilla’s link to a moss terrarium gallery I used my lunch today for tour around the local charity shops. I wanted to find a nice flat glass bowl for a plant I have ready but I could not buy moon sand so I did not create a mini zen garden…yet;) I did however come across a sweet set of two Bulgarian folk cups – perfect for my newly received coffee press! I paid £3.50 for the set of two and a tiny milk jug. Love them!