School of Life
It’s slowly the end of spring and I am preparing for the end of my first year of counselling studies. As I am planning my next steps I am also sometimes looking into the future and thinking about the actual therapy practice. Today I came across a wonderful tool which I think I might use in my future work: The School of Life’s 100 Questions cards. I really love what the School of Life are doing (I love their video lectures too)- all their insights, content and tools are really well prepared, meaningful and effective. The card sets I am talking about are designed to help us improve our daily conversations: learn to ask meaningful questions and dare to answer those. I have tested the set for a relationship and believe me: it is wonderful! We have learned more about each other in one evening than over the course of past few busy and really challenging months! I learn so much from using the cards already and I think they will be a very powerful tool for my future work with clients.
I was a bit cheeky too and “stole the idea” – I started making a note of my course insights in a similar format on Canva.com. When we are done with the course I will print them out with Moo and store as cards too. In the current busy world, it’s a great way of reminding myself about the core principles of this line of work. But it’s also a great format for a visual learner like myself.