Oxford Geek Night 10
Last evening I spent not only sharing my recent studies of Twitter ethics but mainly meeting extremely interesting people, very often sharing my interests. OK, I am still a bit sceptical about calling myself a geek, nonetheless, I am one, and there is no way back;) So, here is what happened last night and I really hope to see at least the same faces at our Oxford Twestival on the 12th of February and on the next Oxford Geek Night 11, on the 25 of March.
First of the longer slots, 15 min long, was about fonts – history and technologies behind those. Actually, I completely agree with Elliot Jay Stocks (working for .net, one of my favourite UK magazines – simply because it fills out the gap in the UK market when it comes to printed press about social media), who is worried about standardizing the currently developed fonts. I consider my chat ok because I made a few people smile and think – which is exactly what I hoped for (there are more reactions here). And within perfect 15 min! The shorter slots were just as much interesting, as Elliot’s one though. ‘The new British Standard for Accessibility’ presented by Bruce Lawson is very close to what I deal with at work, so it made me think a bit and I am sure I will read his blog. The issues of the web and the younger generation are something I am interested in two reasons: my work on social media ethics and blogger interviews I did with Monik and Etiole – 13-year-old bloggers. (I see Monik is organizing Twestival in Mumbai, btw!) I am convinced Tim Davies looked at the issues he is dealing with from the global point of view as well, so I think he can see the challenges of a country where web access at school is a restricted and common culture not as IT orientated as in Asian countries for instance. I strongly support Tim’s initiative, so do check his Ning community! I missed part of ‘Microserfs’ (my bad, apologies) so I cannot express an opinion about it. I do however love the design Peet Morris’ blog! David Sheldon’s ‘Tomcat: scaling past one machine’ was a test of my basic IT knowledge, but I got it at the end! Not bad for a blondie:) Tom Dyson‘s ideas around ‘Dynamic demand’ are thrilling, and I am sure plenty of eco bloggers would be extremely excited to see the results of his thinking! And finally – just when I thought I cannot fit any more cool ideas in my head – ‘Working with RGBA Colour’, by Drew McLellan – a feast for a photographer:D I had a beer with guys from Torchbox, I met few other interesting people, and I met the author of Twitter Song – Ben Walker!
It was a pleasure to meet you all!:)

There’s No Miss Manners
[…] Most discussions of Twitter “ethics” are more about etiquette (see the slideshow by Sylwia Presley, with valuable source links at the end), Twitter in business, Twitter as a marketing tool, and the […]