Getting ready for Wychwood
It is going to be cool!:) I mean really! I think I will have rather an intense weekend at the Wychwood Festival! Not only that I am going as a blogger, but also as a person who is pretty unfamiliar with many of the bands playing there. Also – it’s time to admit that is it my first UK festival! I know, pretty sad;) but I somehow didn’t get around to go to any of the local festivals yet. So! I am at the stage of looking around the room to identify the items to take. It’s been ages since I went camping too, so I expect a huge list of forgotten stuff. For now I am living a micro-success of being able to pack my new tent. You know those new pop-up tents – magic! However if you see them for the first time, do not read instructions! Those are only confusing – personally discouraged me so much, I ended up living with a ‘popped-out’ tent in my living room for a week:P As @graemehunter kindly pointed out (after series of my complaints during #voicetweetup last night) go to YouTube….See! Easy! The tent is packed. Laptop, cameras and phone on charging. Cables found, collected, waiting. No food needed. All I need is something to wear and warm me up in the evening and I think I am ok. As for the event – it kicks off under #wychwoodfest on Twitter, so go there to see it. I will be meeting a team of bloggers, who received press passes to report on the event together. I think we might continue the #bloggerscamping, or create something new…maybe a Posterous? But first, we need to get there.

If you want to be happy, you must NEVER read instructions nor manuals. They are so confusing. I don't read the indications that come with medicines: they make you feel as if taking that medicine can be fatal.On the other hand, enjoy Wychwood Festival!
If you want to be happy, you must NEVER read instructions nor manuals. They are so confusing. I don't read the indications that come with medicines: they make you feel as if taking that medicine can be fatal.On the other hand, enjoy Wychwood Festival!