WOŚP Facebook app – interview
I have asked Dawid Pacha, who worked on WOSP Facebook app to tell me more about the background of it. WOSP is in my opinions the largest non-profit movement in Poland, I feel strongly about it so I really welcome this particular app. First you will be asked to choose the amount:
Then leave a comment if you want:
Syl: Tell me more about the app and how it works, what it aims to achieve.
Dawid: The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (Polish Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, WOŚP) is one of the biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organizations in Poland. The main event happens on the 9th of January 2011 this year. Facebook app that we deliver is part of the movement behind WOŚP. Our app is available at http://apps.facebook.com/wielka_orkiestra/. It enables users of Facebook to donate money on WOŚP. Because WOŚP is famous for the red, heart-shaped stickers they give away to the people who donated the money on the street, we thought that it would be a great idea to continue this tradition on Facebook – every person who will support WOŚP on Facebook will be able to publish a virtual sticker on their Wall.
Syl: What was your input in it? Why did you decide to donate your time?
Dawid: the Facebook application was created in cooperation of Filemon and Baucis, MITU and WebAngel. Michał Juda and Jasiek Stasz (Filemon and Baucis) contacted WOŚP and offered to develop an app last year. As a pioneer, Michał got the privilege to run the project again this year. This time with us (MITU and our fantastic hosting provider WebAngel). It was developed from the scratch. We are really excited that we could help. I think I speak for all of us by saying that we belive online communites are the best place for that sort of actions.
Syl: What are the initial reactions? How do you promote it?
Dawid: The app is up and running, but our experience indicates that the popularity is to come with the actual event on 9th of January. The app will become viral through the hearts published in Newsfeeds.
Syl: What are your KPI’s for the time of the actual WOSP event?
Dawid: 40 000 PLN was donated through the app last year. This year we would love to make this much bigger. That is why we keep our fingers crossed and we are looking for you guys to support it:). We warmly invite everybody to donate. Remember that by publishing the WOŚP heart on your Profile Page you help us to distribute the news and become the ambassador on Facebook of this great movement.
Syl: Thank you!
So go on, click and donate!🙂 I did!

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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Dawid Pacha, Sylwia Presley. Sylwia Presley said: WOŚP Facebook app – interview http://bit.ly/elb3a4 […]
the Great Orchestra of Christm
[…] in need. This year we are donating for children with urological and nephrological diseases. I have posted about the Facebook app designed to dive donations already but tonight I would like to share the […]