THINK BRIGADE – new project
Do you remember my involvement in TH!NK Blogging Competition run by European Centre of Journalism? Well, some of you have seen in my visual CV already that I was chosen to join the new team of reporters and citizen journalists in their new project called THINK BRIGADE. The website is scheduled to launch tomorrow, today that is, on the 13th of April (hopefully a lucky Friday;)) but for now you can follow us on Facebook here. What is it all about? Well, it’s all work in progress now and I am mainly joining it to blog from events. Rio+20 Summit is first on the agenda, so you will see more posts on related topics from me – probably bringing you closer to the topics of my coffee blog too;)) I got also involved in the social media team of the Brigade so I will be working with few really talented social individuals and do my best to share the reported goodness with many audiences. For now, let’s wait for the launch and join discussions around the main platform – find us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ (link will be added shortly;)). Wish us luck for the beginning of this new journey!;)