The Guardian Voluntary Q&A
On Wednesday I had the privilege to join the Guardian Voluntary discussion about sharing of best practices in nonprofit sector in the UK. You can read the entire discussion here but in this post I would like to sum up few points purely for individuals working for nonprofits (something I am currently working on as I am writing my first book). In order to learn and achieve best practices in digital fundraising, marketing and other areas of social good I suggest the following:
1. Read, read, read!
Listen to conversations on-line and off-line. Read industry press. Read conversations on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn – but do not limit yourself just to the leading social channels. Follow at least few industry leaders in all spaces – even if today it will be rather annoying Vine;) Read industry blogs (I suggest Netvibes.com if you were a fan of Google Reader). Subscribe to lists. Create your own Paper.li newspaper on the topic.
2. Research before planning!
There are quire a few platforms featuring great case studies, industry updates and best practices but think outside of the box. If you are planning a Twitter based campaign you will probably follow few charities there, but might want to check out UKFundraising and Osocio for good examples and Mashable for newest developments of this particular platform.
3. Study!
KnowHow Nonprofit Study Zone is a brilliant start and with names of tutors from their programmes you will be able to find other relevant courses. Look out for free webinars too – most of the leading social media platforms and tools will offer those on a regular basis.
4. Test your ideas on friends!
To move completely outside of your current comfort zone ask your closes friends to review your idea and ask yourself: if I was to see it on-line would I get involved and if so, how?
5. Share and collaborate!
I know that each sector, each entity has its own competitors but online it is simply polite to share. Read “Trust Agents” if you are still not convinced and adopt the formula of giving more than your own asks.
I hope this is useful and thank you to the Guardian Voluntary for inviting me!