Social Media Addicts?
I had a great conversation with @jerichotraining about where we are with social media today. One of the points – how we both think the online presence is only an extension of our daily life, once which is potentially a fruitful source of business connections, new friends and interesting events but always only a tool, not means. I also had a talk with DonorBaby who always is honest with me and I love her for that. Here is a serious side of the story: according to @Mashable US has now its own rehab centre for Internet Addiction – more info on the programme called reSTART on their site.
…log out, shut down, go out. My new mantra 🙂
and mine;) hugs!
Sylwia Presley – pierwsz
[…] jeszcze pomilczę, gdyż znów zgłosiłam się do organizacji spotkania blogerów – chyba uzależnienie – jednak pragnę donieść, że postanowiłam dać szansę Hiszpanowi – i sobie. Ania […]
I used to addicted to Facebook! But when you have many things to do with people face to face, the addiction was gone.Rehab centre, wow!
I had a period of active FB usage, but got over it. Recently I do hear a lot about people who socialize only on-line. Someone made a valid point today – what if kids use social media and do not learn proper social skills? Hm…