Open Data Hackathon Oxford
Open Data Hackathon is still happening! This international event aims to gather geeks around specific ideas giving them really only one day to develop at least a draft project. I had a bit hectic day today, but I did manage to visit and blog about the Oxford event on their dedicated site here. What I personally like about it (apart from the great venue provided by White October and brilliant atmosphere of Oxford geeks) are the results:
- Robin Hood Tax viz – Demo site Exploring the impact of Robin Hood taxes – also Geodata Demo of RHT Data.
- Arts funding viz – Demo Site Tags demo site Stacks of cash demo site Using data about Arts Council funding, this team is visualizing where and to who the funding has been awarded.
- Twitter geo sentiment – Who is happy (or otherwise) on Twitter based upon where they are and comparing different locations.
- World Bank data – Using World Bank data so that someone can enter a location and find Word Bank projects or other projects if there is data for it, near them.
- Local transport – Tracking the location of Oxford buses using the data from Oxontime. Temporary demo on Google Maps
- dbpedia/Ordnace Survey Open Data – Map Demo site Using @gothwin’s work for Ordnance survey and dbpedia to geolocate you with your postcode and finds something interesting nearby from dbpedia…”It makes Blue Plaques for you wherever you are”
- CKAN – Demo site Using the data.gov CKAN API to see the top 15 tags to see the relationships between the packages.
As you can see great stuff! Really happy that I could get involved at least this way, so thanks to the organisers for the invitation!