Made in Oxford photo exhibition
I have been quiet recently because of few reasons (a lot of changes in private life, ongoing illness, finalising Oxford Twestival), but gradually I am coming back to my blogging. Even though I am staying at home this week (apologies to all Twestival organisers for not joining you tonight in London!), I managed to rest and gather my family to join Oxford Flickr Group in the exhibition opening in Jam Factory. It was so worth it! Not only that the night was a success, but the amount of work put in the organising and arranging the exhibition was impressive! It is a unique collection of art made by very talented photographers from Oxford and the area who meet virtually on the Flickr group and off-line in a pub. I am amazed to see how social media made another project possible and how it all came together. It was great to meet people I know from Twestivals, barcamps and other social media or art events in Oxford – all in once place enjoying the celebration of good work. And as you can see, Dawid had fun promoting us during the opening too;) It is a privilege to be a part of the project and I owe big thank you to all organisers for all their efforts and to all attendees for making it so beautiful! The exhibition is up for entire October, so do check it out! More info on Facebook or Upcoming😉
UPDATE: post on Flickr blog here.