One more week of restoration after a month of lemons, lemons, lemons. I was challenged on so many levels. My responses to all of those challenges validated my humanity, my sensitivity, empathy and resilience. It was initially hard to embrace the reality of the glooming global pandemic (and see how many business leaders around me totally dismiss it!), but I am glad to be surrounded by people who are aware of it.
So I steadied myself. I took care of myself. I asked for the right type of help. I spend hours with friends who listened to my shadows. I learned what are my mistakes and what is just the resonance of issues emerging from others.
I drew the cycle of safety around my world ever so well to prepare for 2020.
Today I met a group of business planners and analysts who shared my excitement about certain opportunities – I felt at home with their professionalism and realised my core is still here. Healing from Brexit and other negative experiences will take time but I am emerging stronger. I wish we did not have to learn this way, but here’s to working towards a better future – for me, my circles and people I am to support. We need to stay hopeful and connected.