Inspirational – livestreaming
As I am in the mood to write about the things that inspire me, I thought I’d share my feedback on last year’s Nobel Prize ceremony. I think it is this year that we have really seen the power of live streaming in action. Me personally I really lived the moments when Chilean miners were rescued and I could actually “attend” those moments online. I was terrified to see a live webcam on the shores of Haiti after the Chilean earthquake – as if expecting the apocalyptic spectacle from the comfort of my own bedroom. I just felt that was a bit too much of “news” for me. I myself took part in few events – most technically challenging and equally exciting being the session on kids online safety delivered from the overloaded wifi of Santiago de Chile’s hotel to one of the meeting rooms of Barcamp UAE. There was a briefing of our THINK3 trip to Kenya too. But I think the culmination of my live streaming experiences was the recent Nobel Prize Ceremony. Why? Maybe because I am an activist. Maybe because there is no way I could ever actually sit in that venue. And really, I hate the transmissions on television interrupted by ads, I just hate those. I could sit in my room, (actually work in the meantime) and choose the moments I was particularly interested in. I could also grab those and safe as mental notes in a visual form, to remember but also to share with you:) I really hope that this year will bring more of those good, inspiring moments we can all share online! Have a happy one!:)