Global Voices London Meet Up
This Friday in London you can meet the faces behind Global Voices!
I learned so much working for GlobalVoices so far, that it’s hard to gather in few points, I will however attempt.
1. Media is never what it seems.
2. Media has no power at all when in comparison to blogging.
3. It’s damn difficult to post an article (even about your own country) and not to offend anyone.I posted four articles about Poland and generated few quite upset comments already. (not that I aim to respond to silly ones, nope).
4. It’s difficult to separate facts from opinions, and present actual opinions too:) but I am learning.
5. It’s honourable to be a blogger in a country where freedom of speech is an abstract phrase – honourable and dangerous. I consider those bloggers heroes.
6. It’s a privilege to translate their words and spread the word in my language speaking communities. I just wish I had more time to do more of it.
But hey, I am about to meet GV contributors this Friday in London and I am very, very excited to see them all!
If you want to join us, feel free to – both on Friday, both online – just here.