ActionAid’s Get Lippy campaign
Now, before I even start posting I owe you a disclaimer: ActionAid UK has recently been one of my clients. I have been asked to get involved in their new campaign, Get Lippy, to celebrate the International Women’s Day simply because women issues are topics I feel strongly about – actually more strongly than anything else. So now, having finished my work relationship with the organisation I can freely post and get involved – pointing out that yet, I do like to get involved in outreach programme’s for nonprofits, as those match my blog’s content (I prefer not to do so during campaigns for clients though, as this is my private space). To remain independent I will restrain myself from posting my judgements about how the campaign is conducted (both positive or potentially negative) – I will look at the topics. So what we have here is series of video messages. I will do my best to spend the week between 21st and 28th of February on researching various aspects of women issues – from a very personal point of view. You will see messages from various part of the world, but let me remind you: in the UK one in 4 women is a victim of domestic violence – a country where all the required rights ARE provided. It’s not a distant topic, it is something that can affect any one of us, ladies if we are not aware of its nature. Now, imagine the same in those parts of the world where violence and discrimination are a part of every-day life, even culture!

Sadly, in Peru domestic violence is not a distant topic either.
Tweets that mention ActionAid’
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ActionAid UK, Sylwia Presley. Sylwia Presley said: My next focus – getting involved in @ActionAidUK 's Get Lippy campaign http://t.co/xxoFsqO via @presleysylwia […]