Oxford Twestival write up
It’s been more than a week since Oxford Twestival and I am finally able to sit down and think about it. It’s been a huge success. We have raised £1570 for Oxfam’s Mali sanitation project, which I will hopefully be able to send over to them soon (I am still waiting for few payments). For me personally, if you remember my pre-event statements, it has been a great pleasure to have the main parts of my life in one place – charity/activism, social media and art.
Catweazle artists have been amazing – not only from the point of you of their performances but also simply for the fact that they arranged their equipment, helped with the programme and with every little bit that needed doing (even putting up the posters!). And even though I was running around like a headless chicken ensuring all the bits are working fine, I managed to hear all the performances, and watch them afterwards. It’s great to have geeks around too, you get to see it all documented online:)
So the social media bit was there too. We had bloggers from Nokia tour, who arrived in Oxford after visiting few other Twestivals. We had bloggers from Oxford Flickr group who offered help with taking photos. We had organisers fighting the local wifi to get the message out to the blog. We had Matt helping out with the Twitter wall. We had Ben Walker sending us a video message since he could not attend.
The charity was present in rather a sublime way. One of the artists, Ellen, works for Oxfam – she wrote a wonderful poem for the event related to water, which we hope to publish on the event blog soon. Assets from Oxfam helped us to give our guest a hint that the event is for the cause. We did not want to push it too much, but I am very happy to say that everyone did a great job in donating, talking about the cause, supporting it by buying auction items and raffle tickets.
Other organisers: Amanda, Camilla, Ben, Ernie and Marcus did a great job in sharing the responsibilities and I really felt that it was a team effort – and it’s really a pleasure to be a part of a team like this one!:)
For me, it was a busy night, but a part of me – the deepest, the closest to my passions was very, very happy. And I hope others went home happy too:)
I would like to thank everyone involved once again… I cannot wait to see our page in the Twestival book. It will be a lovely keepsake! Just as my #oxtwestival T-shirt:)
(pic by @benwerd)

well done, Sylwia. What a great success in rasing so much money for Oxfam!
Thank you!:) Good to see you back!:) Hugs!